Jacopo Tagliabue
Jacopo Tagliabue is the Bauplan Labs founder and educated in several acronyms across the globe (UNISR, SFI, MIT), he was co-founder and CTO of Tooso. Tooso was proudly serving predictions to millions of shoppers, before being acquired by Coveo (TSX:CVO).
He led Coveo’s A.I. and MLOps roadmap from scale-up to IPO, and built out Coveo Labs, an agile, applied R&D practice rooted in word-class collaborations (Stanford, Bocconi, Outerbounds, Uber, Microsoft, NVIDIA), open source and open science.
He talk *a lot*, and I’m often invited to do so by folks in industry (BBC, Walmart, Pinterest, eBay, Meta, Farfetch) and academia (SIRIP, CiE, KDD, Stanford, Harvard); He is currently an Adj. Professor of ML at NYU, which is mostly notable because it is the only job I ever had that my parents (sort of) understand.
His A.I. work has been featured several times in the general press and presented in business and academic venues (including WWW, RecSys, NAACL, as well as winning best paper at NAACL21).
In previous lives, he managed to do scienc-y things for a professional basketball team, simulate a pre-Columbian civilization and give an academic talk on videogames (among others improbable “achievements”).