Imbalanced Classes

What are Imbalanced Classes?

Imbalanced classes refer to a situation in machine learning where the classes are not represented equally. Essentially, it's a classification problem where the classes are not represented equally. For instance, in binary classification, it could be that cases with one outcome are much less frequent than cases with the other outcome. This can create a bias that impacts model performance.

Functionality and Features

Imbalanced classes pose a challenge in decision-making processes due to unequal class distribution. This problem is common in datasets, especially those related to anomaly detection, fraud detection, or medical diagnosis, where the event of interest is rare.

In order to handle imbalanced classes, various techniques can be applied such as resampling, synthetic minority over-sampling technique (SMOTE), or using different evaluation metrics such as precision, recall, F-score, ROC curves, etc.

Benefits and Use Cases

Understanding and appropriately handling imbalanced classes can significantly uplift model performance. It can be particularly beneficial in the fields requiring anomaly detection, like cybersecurity or financial fraud, where the event of interest is generally a rare occurrence.

Challenges and Limitations

Imbalanced classes can lead to misleading performance measures, as classifiers are prone to bias towards the majority class, thereby overlooking the minority class which may be of greater interest. This can lead to overgeneralization or underfitting issues.

Integration with Data Lakehouse

In a data lakehouse environment, imbalanced classes must be carefully managed. Data lakehouse provides a unified platform for both structured and unstructured data, making the understanding and the handling of imbalanced classes critical. This ensures accurate prediction and analytics outcomes in the data lakehouse setup.


Improper handling of imbalanced classes can negatively affect the performance and reliability of prediction models. Therefore, it's necessary to apply appropriate resampling techniques or use suitable performance metrics to ensure reliable model performance.


What are Imbalanced Classes? Imbalanced classes refer to a classification problem in machine learning where the classes do not have an equal or near-equal number of instances.

Why are Imbalanced Classes a problem? Imbalanced Classes can lead to misleading accuracy measures and degrade the performance of prediction models, as the model can become biased towards the majority class.

How can the problem of Imbalanced Classes be addressed? Several techniques, such as re-sampling, synthetic minority over-sampling technique (SMOTE), or using appropriate performance metrics can be used to handle imbalanced classes.

How does Imbalanced Classes impact a data lakehouse setup? In a data lakehouse environment, imbalanced classes can influence the accuracy of analytics outputs and predictions. It's crucial to handle imbalanced classes correctly to maintain accurate data processing and analytics.

What performance measures can be used for Imbalanced Classes? Metrics such as precision, recall, F-score, and ROC curves are usually used to evaluate the performance of models with imbalanced classes.


Resampling: It is a method that involves removing samples from the majority class (under-sampling) or adding more examples from the minority class (over-sampling).

Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique (SMOTE): This technique creates synthetic samples from the minor class instead of creating copies to combat the problem of overfitting caused by exact duplication.

Precision: It is the ratio of correctly predicted positive observations to the total predicted positives.

Recall: Also known as sensitivity, it is the ratio of correctly predicted positive observations to all observations in the actual class.

F-score: It is the weighted average of Precision and Recall. It aims to find the balance between precision and recall.

ROC Curve: Receiver Operating Characteristic curve is a plot that illustrates the diagnostic ability of a binary classifier system.

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