Headless BI Meets Data Source Managers
Similar to headless BI serving all basic analytics and ML/AI use cases, Data Source Federators could serve analytics platforms as a single data source managing other data sources.
GoodData.CN is a headless BI platform and we integrate with Dremio as a potential Data Source Federator platform.
This presentation contains a live demo with the following highlights:
- GoodData.CN queries Dremio managing Minio, Postgres and Vertica data sources, in real-time
- A generated data model freely inspired by the book Zero from Mark Elsberg
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Jacek Soubusta
Jan has over 15 years of experience designing and operating various database management systems and backend services. In the last 3 years, Jan has made a substantial contribution to the recently released GoodData Cloud Native platform.

Martin Svadlenka
Martin has spent most of his professional career as a Product Manager, including years of experience working with customers and users from many different business domains.
He considers life as one big product management experience — from the vision and roadmap to efficiently collaborating with others. At GoodData, Martin leads GoodData.CN, the cloud-native, headless analytics service. He ensures that all users — from developers to data analysts — will have a successful tool for valuable analytical projects and applications.